
Friday, December 18, 2015

Uproot the Weeds

And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them: (Matthew 13:7).

       No one likes weeds. No one admires the beauty of weeds. It seems weeds grow faster than flowers or garden crops. If the weeds are neglected and allowed to grow, they will choke out the plants and cause them to die. We cut them down, chop them up, pour chemicals on them to try to kill them; and nothing removes them. Weeds are resilient and stubborn. They are unsightly and quickly take over the area. It seems we pull up weeds and in just a few days, they are back again.These weeds also attract rodents, snakes, bugs and other unwanted pests. The only way to get rid of the weeds is to uproot them, and keep checking daily for new ones that are beginning to grow back.

       In this passage, Jesus was teaching about how the Word of God is sown in our lives. He discusses the various types of ground that the Word can be sown on. One of those types of ground is the thorns (weeds).  These weeds choke out the Word of God in our lives. 

       These weeds could be anything that separates us from God and keeps us from studying and obeying His Word. Anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, gossip, doubt, prayerlessness, neglect of God's Word, and sins of any kind are weeds that need to be uprooted in our lives, daily. Make a daily effort to change lifestyles, attitudes and habits to keep the weeds out. Only with God's help and diligent attention will these weeds stay out. 

      If these weeds are permitted to stay in our lives, we will be powerless to defeat the enemy. We will have more unwanted things in our lives that come as a result of these weeds. Stress, worry, anxiety, separation from God, despair, hopelessness, depression, fear and other unwanted "pests" will take over our lives if these weeds are not removed daily.

      Ask God to search your heart for any sign of weeds that are growing. Ask Him to change your heart, your attitude and your life. He will. Don't just trim the weeds back a little. Completely uproot them through prayer and the Word of God. Discipline yourself to have a weed-free life; therefore, having the power and victory that comes through God's Word!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Restored Like New

 "He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake."  (Psalm 23:3).

         Think about an old car. At one time, it was in great condition. It was shiny, clean, and solid. However, years of weather, storms, miles and use had caused the car to lose it's shine and efficiency. Parts had broken, seats ripped, the body rusted and windshield cracked. Then imagine an owner who decides to restore this vehicle. Think about what all takes place. The broken, rusty, and non-functioning parts are removed and replaced with new parts. The exterior is cleaned, painted and polished and the inside is completely replaced. Every detail resembles those which the designer originally formed. We then say that this vehicle is "restored".

         Think about an old piece of furniture. At one time, it had function and looked great. However, years of wear and tear have caused scratches, and the finish doesn't look like it did when it was new. Now imagine someone taking this old, unwanted piece of furniture and lovingly sanding away all the years of paint and varnish from the exterior of this piece. They replace the broken parts and refinish it to make it look like it did when it was new.  It takes some time, but well worth the effort.

        God saw that we were in need of a restoration. Years of storms, battles and problems have caused us to lose our shine and luster. We no longer function like we were designed to function. We are broken. We are weak and unstable.  We cannot continue in that condition. 

        The devil would make us believe we are beyond restoration and are ready for the junk pile. People often give up on us saying there is no hope for us. If we are not careful, we soon believe those lies. God sees beyond all the layers that have been built up in us. He sees the potential that lies beneath. God lovingly strips away all the years of care, worry, pain, strife, anxiety, sin, doubt, frustration, anger, bitterness, and whatever else we were layered with. This is not a pleasant process and sometimes it takes awhile to get through all the layers. It isn't fun and it isn't easy. However, if we will allow Him to do the restoring, it will be well worth all the effort.    

"And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you." (Joel 2:25).

 "Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit." (Psalm 51:12). 

     He is a restorer... That's what He does. He can restore your peace of mind, health, joy, finances, purpose in life, or whatever has been buried under the layers of time and neglected.   Allow Him today to begin restoring you back to the masterpiece the Master Designer originally formed in you before the cares of this life weakened and broke you. God wants to restore you today. He won't do it without your permission.  Are you ready and willing to submit to His restoration?