
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hidden Costs

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23).

     Have you ever shopped for an item you wanted to buy, and finally found exactly what you wanted or needed, and the price was affordable?  Then when it comes time to pay, it costs much more than the advertised price.  You look at all the fine print associated with this purchase and see all the hidden costs. You are being charged taxes, fees, interest, and other added costs. By the time the item is actually paid for, it costs a lot more than you wanted to pay for it.

      Sin is like that. Sin looks fun at the time. It seems enjoyable and seems to not have any negative affects on your life. Finally, sin costs begin to add up. There are the costs of added turmoil, added heartache, added fear and worry, added stress, added fatigue from sleepless nights, added loneliness, added hopelessness,  added guilt, added shame, added apprehension, loss of family, loss of money, loss of peace and joy, and so many other hidden costs. By the time it's over, this sin has costs so much more than you ever wanted to pay. These costs keep mounting up until you feel there is no escape. You feel hopeless with no way out.

       Jesus paid the price for our sins when He died on the cross. He made a way out of our sins if we will just accept Him as our Savior and confess our sins. If we will just turn our lives over to Him, we will have a life free from hidden costs. We will, at that time, have blessings from Him every day. Blessings like:  peace, joy, fulfillment, hope, love, guidance, eternal life with Him, His presence, and so many other blessings that we need each day. 

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10).

       Today should be the day you choose to stop paying these hidden costs associated with sin. Jesus made the way out of it all. Exchange the hidden costs today for the wonderful blessings and gifts that God has waiting for you. You will not regret that decision! God loves you. Will you accept Him?

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