"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matthew 16:26).
Jesus asked a very serious, thought-provoking question in this passage. This question was simple and to the point. He was simply asking, what good is it if we gain everything this world has to offer, (fame, fortune, homes, cars, jewels, money, temptations, relationships, lifestyles, habits, sins of any kind, etc.) yet lose our soul and spend eternity in Hell.
He is saying that nothing is gained if the soul is lost. He goes on to say, what would you give in exchange for your soul? In other words, are you willing to live your way, doing your thing, gaining your riches, and neglect your soul? Are you willing to exchange your soul for what the world calls fun? When you live in sin, you are exchanging that lifestyle for your soul. So, what you are saying is, this temporary lifestyle is more important and means more to you than where your soul will spend eternity.
Satan tries to tempt us to fall into sin, and when we do, we have just exchanged that sin for our eternal soul. Nothing in this world is more important than our soul. Our soul should be the most important focus. We should keep our focus on keeping our soul pure and sin out of our lives. Sin always leads to destruction. It will doom the soul. Follow the Lord, and preserve your soul. Follow the world and lose your soul. It's that simple.
Nothing is worth losing your soul for. Nothing is worth going to Hell for.
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