
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Paid in Full

"As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us."  (Psalm 103:12).

     If you have ever borrowed money from someone, when the debt is paid, they give you a receipt with "Paid in Full" written on it. This means the debt is paid and is no longer owed.  How foolish would it be to go back every day to the bank or that person and try to pay the debt again? If you went every single day and reminded them of the debt and tried to pay it, they would not accept it, because it had already been paid in full; it was no longer owed. 

     Well, Jesus has paid the debt for our sins when He died on the cross. When He said "It is finished", that was as if He were saying, "Paid in Full". There is no way we can pay for our sins. We can't do enough good deeds, we can't pay enough money or do anything to pay for our sins. Praise God, we don't have to. Jesus already paid the price with His precious life. He paid for our sins because we couldn't. All we must do is accept His payment, repent of our sins follow Him daily. 

     How many people walk around every day still feeling guilty for sins they committed years ago that they have already repented of and Jesus has forgiven them? If Jesus has forgiven the sins, then why are people still trying to carry them around? This is like trying to pay this debt every day that has already been paid. Once the sin is truly repented of with a broken heart, it is forgiven. Look at that verse again. He has removed our sins from us if we have repented. If He has removed them, why are we still carrying them around and feeling condemnation?  That condemnation does not come from God. God does not condemn. 

     The enemy condemns. He makes us think we are too bad for God to love and forgive. He makes us believe we have messed up too much to ever be forgiven.  These are lies. The enemy lies to us to get us to continue carrying the shame of our past sins when we have already repented and God forgave us through the blood of Jesus. 

     People will condemn us. They will remind us of what we once did or who we once were. They will make us feel unworthy of God's love and forgiveness. If these sins have been repented of and forgiven by God, then those accusations are false. 

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."  (Romans 8:1).

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." (John 3:17).

     Don't allow yourself to fall back into the same sin again, because if you do, it must be repented of to be forgiven. That would be like paying the debt off that has been borrowed, then going and borrowing money again. Now the debt is owed again and must be paid.  Once it has been repented of and forgiven, let it go and don't carry it around anymore. It has been paid in full by God through Jesus' blood.

    God forgives. The debt is cleared. The slate is wiped clean. There is joy and peace that comes from knowing He loves us enough to forgive and let go. 
Don't walk in condemnation over past sins that have been forgiven. Let it go, move on and keep going in the right direction. 


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