Are you someone who sees a letter in the mailbox and it seems you can't open it fast enough? You are so excited to see what this person wrote to you in this letter. Perhaps they are just telling you about what is going on in their lives, maybe there are photos of their children tucked inside the letter. The letter probably lets you know you are missed and loved and this person wants to see you soon. Maybe this letter has a check or money inside. You read this letter with excitement, and then read it again. You even read it to others or tell them what it said. You are happy to have received this letter.
In today's society, letters are almost obsolete. We use electronics now to communicate. We send emails, text messages and other forms of social media to say hello to someone now. Are you a person who checks your phone the first thing each morning as soon as you wake up to see if you have any missed calls or texts? Do you carry your phone with you all day and check it often to see if anyone has contacted you? When you get a notification that you have received a text message, email or phone call, do you get so excited that nothing else matters at that time? Do you ignore people around you to communicate with this one person on your phone?
Communication is a part of life that we don't give much thought to. Deaf people learn sign language, blind people learn Braille. We communicate our feelings, opinions and thoughts all throughout the day and night. Some people even talk in their sleep. (Yes, I do).
God is constantly communicating with us through His Holy Word: The Bible. He speaks to us through His Word. He corrects us, instructs us, guides us, encourages us, disciplines us, loves us and teaches us through His Word. His Word is precious and live-giving. We learn from His Word when we open our hearts and minds to understand it. In order to understand it, we must read it.
"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:63).
Are you as excited to open the Word of God as you are to check your phone for a new message? Does knowing that God has a message for you today make you as happy as seeing that you have a new email from a friend? God's Word is precious and should be read, studied and lived. Take time today to read and study God's Word.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15).
God is telling you today that you have a message from Him. Will you take time to read it, or will you hit the delete button and ignore it? His message is, no doubt, far more important than any email or text or phone call you will get from anyone else. He loves you. He wants you to read His message. Will you?
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