
Monday, February 16, 2015

Losing Weight

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us," (Hebrews 12:1).

     Most people don't like to step upon the scales, because they think they weigh too much. They will often go on a special diet, exercise and even take pills or drink special shakes in order to lose weight. Many will join a local gym or fitness center with a special trainer in order to make sure the weight comes off. They will go walking, jogging, running, or cycling to try to lose the weight. There is nothing wrong with these things. It is important to take care of our physical bodies. However,

"For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come."           (1 Timothy 4:8).

     We are told in Hebrews 12:1 to lay aside the weight that easily besets us. In other words, we are to get rid of anything that hinders our relationship with the Lord. It doesn't matter if it is a relationship with someone, a job, a habit, a sin, an attitude, anger, grudges, unforgiveness, complacency, traditions of men, a lifestyle, or whatever it may be, if it hinders our relationship with the Lord, we are to lay it aside. It doesn't say in this verse that God will come and remove it from our lives. It is up to us to lay it aside. It's our choice to get rid of it. It's our responsibility to shed that extra weight. Just as we do things in the natural to lose the weight, we are to strive in our spiritual walk with the Lord to lose these unwanted weights. Prayer, fasting, studying the Word, renewing our minds, changing our habits, changing our lifestyle, repenting of sins, seeking the Lord, pursuing righteousness, and fellowship with like-minded believers are ways to shed these extra weights.

    A few years ago, I began going to our local walking track and walking two miles every day, due to a heart condition I was diagnosed with. I needed to lose about 20 pounds to strengthen my heart. The extra weight was putting e strain on my heart.  I was diligent with this walking every day after work. Even if it rained, I took an umbrella. I took a watch, and every day tried to complete the two miles faster than the day before. It became an obsession to me. One day, while I was walking, I sensed the Lord speaking to my spirit about how I was working so hard to strengthen my natural heart, (which is a good thing to do), but what was I doing to strengthen my spiritual heart? Wow. That really stirred me. I began to realize that I was carrying extra weight in my spiritual life and it was putting strain on my spiritual heart. I needed to lay aside those weights in order for my spiritual heart to be strengthened. 

       Hebrews 12:1 tells us that we are to run this race with patience. Now, you can't run a race carrying extra weights with you. You can't wear heavy coats and boots and carry concrete blocks while trying to run this race. Carrying all this extra weight will soon wear you down and you would not be able to finish the race effectively. God tells us to lay aside these weights.  Lay them down, don't expect God to remove them from your life. He tells us to get rid of them. 

    What weights are you carrying around today? You don't need to carry them any longer. God has given you the strength and power to lay them aside and walk away from them. Shed the extra weight, strengthen your heart, then you can run this race and cross the finish line victorious in Jesus' name!

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