
Monday, March 2, 2015

Keep Your Eyes on Jesus

"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." (Colossians 3:2).

      When I was learning how to drive, I had a habit of looking at on-coming traffic as they passed me going the opposite direction. I am not sure why I did this. Perhaps it was to make sure they wouldn't hit me, I am not really sure. My driving coach, (my awesome dad), told me that was not a good habit to develop.  He told me that when driving, wherever my eyes went, that's where I would go. If I looked off the road to the right or the left, my hands would subconsciously turn the wheel to the right or the left. He said, look straight ahead. 

      This principle is the same in our daily walk. Whatever we focus our attention on, that's what we will have. Whatever we turn our eyes toward, that is where we subconsciously end up. If we look to the right or the left, that's where we will end up:  off the path and in the ditch. 

 "Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil." (Proverbs 4:27). 

     Several years ago, my family was in a serious car accident. We were hit from behind as we were stopped to make a turn. The man behind us who hit us, told the police he was looking at some wild turkeys in the field, when he looked back onto the road, he saw us but it was too late.  Had he kept his eyes on the road, the accident would have been avoided. 

     We are to stay focused on the Lord and the things of God. His Word, His ways and His commandments should be our only focus. If we look to Him always, everything else will work out for our good! 

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